Uncover the Power of Factory Audits with Artifea

Welcome to Artifea, where excellence is not just a goal but a guarantee! Our comprehensive China factory audit services elevate businesses like yours to succeed in today’s competitive market. With us by your side, sourcing becomes perfect, product quality impeccable, and ethical standards are always upheld. Let us guide you through the complexities of factory audits in China and help you make informed decisions with our comprehensive assessments and expertise.

Our Factory Audit Services - Ensuring Excellence at Every Step

Supplier Assessment:

Uncover the most reliable and trustworthy suppliers with our rigorous evaluation process. We leave no stone unturned in finding partners who match your vision.

Quality Assurance:

Elevate your brand and exceed expectations with impeccable quality. Our meticulous quality assurance procedures guarantee superior outcomes and ensure that your products meet the highest industry benchmarks, including ISO 9001 standards.

Social Compliance:

Ethical sourcing is the way forward. Our factory audits include thorough social compliance checks, ensuring your suppliers align with your values.

Technical Assessment:

Don’t let technicalities hinder your progress. Our technical assessment identifies any possible production challenges, allowing you to tackle them head-on and achieve smooth operations.

Product Compliance Audit:

Delivering excellent products is your goal and we’re here to help. Our factory audits include thorough product testing that ensures your items are flawless, leaving a lasting impression on your customers.

Adherence to ISO 9001 Standards:

We understand the importance of ISO 9001 compliance and ensure that your suppliers meet these international benchmarks.

Customized Audits:

Tailored to your unique needs, our customized factory audits provide comprehensive insights that drive positive change in your supply chain.

Pre-Inspection Audits – Identifying Potential Risks

Trust our pre-inspection audits to fine-tune your supply chain. Artifea’s pre-inspection factory audits examine every aspect of your supplier’s capabilities, providing you the assurance to proceed with your orders. Our pre-inspection audits include:

  • Raw Material Check
  • Machinery Evaluation
  • Production Planning Review
  • Process Control Analysis
In-Production Audits – Monitoring Quality in Real-Time

Artifea keeps a watchful eye on quality. Our in-production factory audits allow you to have real-time visibility into the manufacturing process through essential services:

  • Quality Checkpoints
  • Adherence to Specifications
  • On-Schedule Performance
  • Continuous Improvement
Are you ready to elevate your supply chain and conquer new horizons? Contact us now!
Frequently Asked Questions
Need answers? Find them here...

A factory audit is a comprehensive assessment of a supplier’s manufacturing facility to evaluate its capabilities, quality control procedures, and adherence to industry standards.

A factory audit is a comprehensive assessment of a supplier’s manufacturing facility to evaluate its capabilities, quality control procedures, and adherence to industry standards.

Factory audit durations and costs in China vary based on the facility’s scope and size. Basic audits may take a few days, while extensive assessments can require a week or more. At Artifea, we offer tailored solutions at competitive rates, ensuring optimal value for your investment.

A factory audit checklist is a detailed list of criteria used during the audit process. It includes aspects such as production capacity, quality control processes, working conditions, adherence to legal requirements, social responsibility, and more.

If your supplier fails the factory audit, it’s essential to resolve the issues promptly. Artifea collaborates to address the issues, implement improvements, and explore alternative solutions if necessary. Our focus is on ensuring compliance and successful sourcing partnerships.